a favorite question
I love this question and use it all the time: when I meet new people out socially, in interviews, in new hire orientation — really, any time I'm helping a group of strangers connect.
"If (insert current company name) didn't exist, and you didn't have to work for a living, what would I likely be finding you doing at (insert exact time) on a (insert current day of the week)?"
For example:
"If SMASH Agency didn't exist AND you didn't have to work for a living, what would we most likely find you doing at 2:45 pm on a Tuesday?"
What I particularly appreciate about this question is that it frees the responder from feeling obligated to discuss their job or work, which may not truly reflect their core values or passions. By removing the focus from any work identity, I often learn much more when I ask about their interests.
My experience is that this question communicates that I'm sincerely interested in the whole person (which I am), not just how they earn a living. And when folks feel like their entire person is valued, they show up remarkably differently when collaborating.
Steal it. 😉
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